Age Wise! Living a healthy, happy and fulfilling life after 60

Age Wise!

A multifaceted approach to living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life after 60.



I’m Diana Kingham. I’m a Master Results Coach, Master NLP Practitioner an Advanced Hypnotherapist and Energetic NLP Practitioner and have devised a unique approach to working with clients to help them achieve what they want. More recently I've become an Empowering Learning practitioner, working on a wide range of Learning Difficulties.  I have a private practice in Harpenden, Hertfordshire.

I'm passionate about health, empowerment and living the life you want!

So, how did I get into coaching and therapy? I had ME/CFS for about 11 years and reached my  personal rock-bottom when I became a virtual recluse due to multiple chemical sensitivities – and was having to sell my home to get away from fragrance fanatical neighbours! I reluctantly went to see a hypnotherapist – a remarkable 80 year old – and knew from our first consultation that I was never going down the ME path again. I’m not sure exactly what it was she said that convinced me – I think something along the lines that I had a choice; I didn’t have to remain a victim; and, when I voiced my concerns that I would be out of control in hypnosis, she gently pointed out that I was already out of control and that she would be helping to put me back in control! She also stimulated my curiosity by saying that the way of achieving my ‘cure’ wouldn’t be anything like I expected. 4 sessions (4 weeks) later I was fit and healthy, and had enrolled on a course to become a hypnotherapist. If it worked for me I knew I could help others to make it work for them!

The last few years have been amazing! I spend most of my working life helping clients to take control of their lives using the outstanding tools I have learnt. It has been a great joy and privilege – and I never stop learning!

With Olive Hickmott, I'm a co-Director of the International Association for Health and Learning

I am a member of the Harpenden Complementary Health (HCH) and really enjoy working with a diverse group of skilled and like-minded practitioners to promote our safe and powerful therapies.

My Approach

My approach is based on my belief that anything is possible.  What seem like miracles happen every day.  If only one person can do - or not do - something, then it is possible for the rest of us to learn from them and achieve the same results.

I work with you to discover what you really want (rather than what you don't want or think you should want); help you to remove whatever is blocking you from achieving it; and then find and 'install' ways to achieve it.  Sessions can involve Results Coaching, Hypnotherapy, NLP and Energetic NLP and more - whatever best suits you and your situation.

Sessions are fun and empowering and you remain in control of what happens. I'll teach you straightforward practices to use each day which will benefit you. Change can be remarkably rapid with these techniques.

My training

I trained initially in Advanced Hypnotherapy and HypnoHealing at the Atkinson Ball College.  My NLP training was with Christopher Howard and completed his Fast Track* in summer 2007. Christopher Howard has refined existing techniques and added new ones to produce a tool-bag of amazing, incisive and instantly life-changing therapies. These include Results Coaching, NLP, Advanced Hypnotherapy and Performance Consulting.

I'm an Energetic NLP practitioner having studied with its creator Art Giser since 2007. His work has added a whole new dimension to my life and work.

I've recently qualified as an Empowering Learning Practitioner, a completely new approach to minimising the unwanted effects of Learning Difficulties, training with its creator Olive Hickmott.

I have been a Master Results Coach for the Christopher Howard Companies and work with clients to get the most from their trainings and from their life.  I am currently a coach for the Well Heeled Divas.

As a hypnotherapist, I’ve studied the hypnotic techniques of both Milton Erickson and Dave Elman. I am a member of the Corporation of Advanced Hypnotherapy and observe their strict Code of Ethics.

I am on the Advanced Hypnotherapy Register


Energetic NLP (more information and free downloads)

Empowering Learning

The Atkinson Ball College of Hypnotherapy 

Corporation of Advanced Hypnotherapy

Harpenden Complementary Health

The Well Heeled Divas