Age Wise! Living a healthy, happy and fulfilling life after 60

Age Wise!

A multifaceted approach to living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life after 60.


Relationships, whether enjoyable or not,  are very important.  Human beings are social animals. Family, friends, colleagues, communities all help our sense of belonging, being loved, needed, useful to others. They help to define us and can become important parts of our identity.  Managing and maintaining supportive relationships; learning from and letting go of those that aren’t supporting who we are; being true to ourselves.

To gift someone is also to be gifted.
Whatever it is that I have to gift the Other,
I come with great humility, knowing
I will be gifted a hundred times.
I come willing to listen
I am ready to learn
And I am ready to offer what I know
Gift and be gifted.

Dr Karambu Ringera.  InPeace.

Most people like to feel useful, that they can contribute and help others.  It provides them with a sense of purpose and of belonging.  For many, it becomes part of their identity. This is a huge factor in healthy ageing.

The old paradigm  focused around the belief that it was good to give with no expectation of getting something back.  The new paradigm – and probably the reality,  given how important a factor feeling useful is in healthy ageing – is that when you give you also need to be open to receiving.  This is beautifully expressed by Dr Karambu Ringera (above).