Age Wise! Living a healthy, happy and fulfilling life after 60

Age Wise!

A multifaceted approach to living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life after 60.


We can all do far more than we think to stay healthy and recover our health both physical and mental.  Widely recognized are the important links between diet, eating habits & exercise and health.  Surgery is required when things have gone too far; and pharmaceutical drugs taken to control symptoms. 

But who is it who does the healing?  When you break your arm, doctors set it, medication controls infection, pain etc. BUT it is our bodies that do the healing. Turning on the healing processes at the beginning and turning them off at the end.

The best surgery and drugs are powerless unless we too - all aspects of ourselves -are on board.  You probably know of people who have survived contrary to expectation, and others who have failed to heal from routine procedures.  So what is going on?

Less well known to many are the links between our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, energy etc. and our health.  This is the area that Age Wise! focuses on to complement more conventional health approaches.

The link between our thinking, emotions - particularly those leading to stress - and our immune system (IS) are well recognized and researched in the field of Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (PNI)