Age Wise! Living a healthy, happy and fulfilling life after 60

Age Wise!

A multifaceted approach to living a happy, healthy and fulfilling life after 60.


If a part of your life was unpleasant or traumatic, perhaps something happened that you are unable to talk about (for example an illegitimate child or illicit affair) it is really important to find a resolution for these,  a way you can incorporate it comfortably into your life.  There is a link between developing dementia and unresolved traumas.  And shutting off part of our lives and associated emotions can have enormous health implications.

The ‘experts’ found their own ways to incorporate lost loved ones into their ongoing lives in such a way that they felt that person was still with them somehow.  These can include visiting a favorite place; listening to music you both loved; engaging in a shared activity; remembering favorite sayings; having conversations with them in your imagination or in prayer, asking for advice etc.

This is also important in the case of loved ones lost, for example, through divorce or disagreements.  It may require a forgiveness (letting go) and reconciliation process;  being able to enjoy again the good times you had together.  It doesn’t require the person themselves to be a part of this process and it doesn’t matter if they have died.  The AgeWise! processes works with you alone initially to find a resolution and let go of the associated emotions; it could subsequently result in a changed relationship with the other(s) involved because you have changed.